Workshop and Activity Descriptions

On-Campus Health & Wellness Resources (Workshop)

Learn more about the on-campus health and wellness resources available to our students. This workshop covers all of the HPW topic areas, workshops and activities, ways to get involved with HPW, and basic information on Student Health Services and Counseling & Psychological Services.

Information coming soon!

Self-Care for Resilience: Managing Stress (Workshop)

This workshop explores various self-care strategies to utilize on a daily basis to promote positive mental health, manage stress and healthy sleep habits. Participants will engage in different self-care strategies and develop personal goals to managing stress.


Self-Care Station (Activity)

Self-Care Station highlights that self-care is not a luxury but a way to check in with oneself to promote positive mental health. Learn various self-care strategies including self-reflection, practicing gratitude, and engaging our different senses.


How to Help a Friend in Distress (Workshop)

This workshop helps you identify when a person is in distress, this includes feeling upset, stressed, anxious, depressed, or has emotional or psychological symptoms. Participants will be able to feel confident in helping a friend in distress and be able to refer them to on-campus resources.


Ask Me Anything About Mental Health/Self-Care (Activity)

Want to know more about all things mental health? Self-care? Or even sleep? Or where to access support and services around mental health on campus? Mental Health Educator or Student Leaders will answer the best to their abilities all things related to mental health! No questions off the table, this is a safe, brave, and open space to get answers to your questions.

Healthy Eating 101 (Workshop)

In this workshop, we'll explore a holistic approach to nourishing your body and mind through food. You’ll learn new skills that will help you create simple and nutritious meals as a busy college student. We’ll also chat about free food resources on campus. 


Healthy Eating on a Budget (Workshop)

In this workshop, students will learn how to nourish their bodies on a budget. We’ll discuss meal planning, creating grocery lists, and meal prep as strategies to save money and make healthy eating more realistic as a college student. We’ll also chat about free food resources on campus. 


Intro to Meal Planning (Workshop)

In this workshop, we’ll discuss strategies to help you begin planning simple and budget-friendly meals and snacks to nourish your body. We’ll also share tips to help you save time and reduce stress, plus discuss free food resources on campus. 


Grocery Shopping on a Budget (Workshop)

In this workshop, you’ll learn how to make a game plan before going to the grocery store. We’ll talk about simple ways to save money when shopping for food. Plus, we’ll discuss free food resources on campus that can help expand your grocery budget.  


Meal Prep Made Easy (Workshop)

Learn how to take the stress out of meal prepping by getting familiar and creative with food. We’ll share our favorite cooking tips & tricks to help save time in the kitchen! We’ll also chat about free food resources on campus. 


Virtual Cooking Demo (Activity)

Interested in learning how to make simple meals and snacks? This activity will involve a live demonstration of one or more budget-friendly recipes. Students will learn basic cooking skills and tips to support healthy eating.  

Time: 30-60 minutes 

Group size: 10+ students 

In the comment box of the workshop request form, please note if you have any type of recipe you would like featured (e.g. microwave meals, vegetarian, etc.) 

Condom Cart (Activity)

Condom Cart is a HPW's mobile distribution cart, with free condoms, lube, and dental dams for students.


Sexual Communication (Workshop)

Let’s talk about sex! Whether a one-stand or long-term relationship, communication lets us know what our partners like and don’t like, and for us to do the same. This workshop discusses the importance of communication and consent and provides tips on how to talk to your partner(s) about sex.


From Start to Finish: A Conversation about Relationships (Workshop)

Part of life involves the coming and going of relationships and friendships. In this workshop, we will be discussing the building and development of new relationships, and how to heal and learn from past ones.


Gender & Sexuality: The Basics (Workshop)

There is much to learn about gender and sexuality, it can be difficult to know where to start. This workshop provides an introduction to these concepts and breaks down different aspects such as identity, expression, and inclusive language. 


Let's Talk About (Safer) Sex!: Part One

There are lots of ways to practice safer sex and it comes down to what’s going to work for you and your partner(s). Part One focuses on safer sex supplies, such as condoms, and birth control: what they are, how they work, and the resources available to you.


Let's Talk About (Safer) Sex!: Part Two

Part Two of this workshop looks at sexually transmitted infections (STI’s). We will cover the basics, testing and prevention, and also address the continued stigma, how to disclose status, and other support resources.

Creating Campus Wellness (Workshop)

Is wellness necessary for student success? What can I do about it? This workshop covers the concepts and key activities that create a “well campus” and why it helps all of the campus community to promote health.


ICANHELP2 Training (Workshop)

Identify factors that impact students’ health and wellness. Understand why promoting positive health is vital to support student success. Develop skills to intervene when a student is in distress with Active Minds’ VAR (validate, appreciate, refer) strategy. Learn various mental health and basic needs resources on campus.


How to Champion Anti-Racism and Health Equity (Workshop)

Addressing equal access to health and well-being is an anti-racist strategy. Educators have an essential role to play in addressing the barriers to success for our students, including barriers to their well-being. This workshop connects the dots of health, racism, and academic potential, while outlining direct actions you can take to be part of positive change.


SF State Campus Health Resources (Workshop)

There are a wealth of health and wellness resources available to students at SF State. This workshop shares those resources so that staff and faculty are well versed on the campus community there to support students and ready to make those referrals when students are in need.