Check out our Wags for Wellness page for specific locations, dates, and times.
You can get free birth control and safer sex supplies at the following places:
- HPW Office
- Condom Dispenser in Cesar Chavez Student Center lobby
- Condom Dispenser in Mashouf Wellness Center
- Condom Request Form for Student Orgs or RAs
- Student Health Services
The Student Leader program is a one academic year commitment. Our application is usually open during mid-Spring semester (February- April) for the next academic year.
The Ambassador program is a semester commitment. We typically open our application towards the end of each semester (November and April) for the following semester.
Check out our Student Leader and Ambassador pages for exact deadlines.
Food+Shelter+Success supports students in reaching their full potential at SF State by responding to student hunger and housing insecurity. There are food programs available on campus such as CalFresh Help Clinic, the Campus Food Pantry, and Emergency Meals. PATHS provides compassionate crisis support for students who are currently unhoused.
Unfortunately, HPW does not offer one on one counseling or therapy for mental health. We recommend you make an appointment with Counseling and Psychological Services.
If someone has been drinking, you can tell something is wrong if they are:
Breathing irregularly
Cool or clammy to the touch
Not waking up while vomiting
Unusually pale or bluish
If you think someone has alcohol poisoning, call 911 immediately. Lay them on their side in a fetal position, and stay with them until the emergency personnel arrive. Do not worry about legal ramifications – your friend’s life may depend on your quick response.
If you are under the age of 21 and are calling for yourself or someone else that is in need of medical attention because of an alcohol, or other drug emergency, you are covered under 911 lifeline legislation. For this to apply the following must be true:
If you are under the age of 21
Call 911 for yourself or another person in need of medical assistance
First to make 911 report
Stay until help arrives
Cooperate with emergency personnel
As part of our University's commitment to ensuring a safe and healthy learning environment, all new incoming students are required to complete mandatory sexual violence prevention education per CSU Executive Order 1095. Students are able to view instructions to access the training by visiting our Sexual Violence Prevention Education Online Training page.